Kejutan! Inilah Daftar Nominasi Baeksang Arts Awards 2024, Exhuma Mendominasi

Selasa 09-04-2024,01:07 WIB
Reporter : Retna Christa
Editor : Retna Christa

Jang Jae Hyun (Exhuma)

Sutradara Baru Terbaik

Kim Chang Hoon (Hopeless)

Park Young Joo (Citizen of a Kind)

Yoo Jae Sun (Sleep)

Lee Jung Hong (A Wild Roomer)

Cho Hyun Chul (The Dream Songs)

Skenario Terbaik

Park Jung Ye (Killing Romance)

Yoo Jae Sun (Sleep)

Lee Ji Eun (The Hill of Secrets)

Jang Jae Hyun (Exhuma)

Hong In Pyo, Hong Won Chan, Lee Young Jong, Kim Sung Soo (12.12: The Day)

Penyutradaraan Teknis Terbaik

Kim Byung In (Exhuma  – audio)

Lee Mo Gae (12.12: The Day  – camera)

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