6 Unique Christmas Traditions in Indonesia, from Marbinda to Bakar Batu

Cristmas Tradition in Indonesia--freepik
HARIAN DISWAY - Christmas is a special moment celebrated by Christians all over the world, including in Indonesia.
In a country that is rich in culture, Christmas is not just a religious celebration. But also involves unique traditions that show togetherness, love, and diversity.
Every region in Indonesia has their own unique way to celebrate Christmas. From Marbinda and Marhobas in North Sumatra, to stone cooking in Papua, Christmas has the power to spread warmth and happiness.
Here are some Christmas traditions from different parts of Indonesia that highlight the beauty of culture and tolerance.
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1. Marbinda and Marhobas in North Sumatra
In North Sumatra, the Batak Toba people celebrate Christmas with the Marbinda and Marhobas traditions. They sacrifice an animal as a way to give thanks to the God.
The meat is cooked and shared with the community. This tradition is not only a symbol of togetherness but also strengthens social bonds. Through this, love and solidarity become the main message.
2. Wayang Wahyu in Yogyakarta
Wayang Wahyu from Yogyakarta, one of christmas tradition in Indonesia--https://jogja.babad.id/
In Yogyakarta, Christmas is celebrated with the Wayang Wahyu tradition. This shadow puppet show tells stories from the Bible and delivers spiritual messages in an entertaining and educational way. It is a beautiful mix of art and religion.
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3. Rabo-Rabo in Jakarta
In Kampung Tugu, Jakarta, the Christian Portuguese community celebrates Christmas with Rabo-Rabo. People go from house to house singing keroncong songs. The celebration ends with a tradition of applying white powder on faces, symbolizing forgiveness and a fresh start. This shows the spirit of unity and friendship.
4. Bamboo Cannons in Flores
In Flores, the sound of bamboo cannons marks the joy of Christmas. This tradition, which started in the 1980s, adds excitement to the celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth. The loud bangs symbolize happiness and togetherness.
5. Kunci Taon in North Sulawesi
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