Lirik dan Terjemahan When You Say My Name dari Fifty Fifty, Indahnya Kisah Cinta di Musim Dingin

Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu When You Say My Name dari Fifty Fifty, Kisah Cinta di Musim Dingin--YouTube FIFTY FIFTY Official
Hayan kkaman bam
The snow is falling, and the lights are glowing brighter
Nunkkochi chumchudeut
We keep moving even when the song is over
The world outside falls silent
But when I hear your voice
It brings the season near
Don't need any other voice
Any other voice
Oh, when you say my name
I feel it, oh when you say my name
My world will never spin the same
I know it all when you say my name
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Sumber: youtube fifty fifty official