Bikin Baper! Simak Lirik dan Terjemahan Boyfriend Milik Yeonjun TXT, OST Cinderella at 2 AM

Yeonjun mengisi OST k-drama Cinderella at 2 AM-MV Yeonjun - Boyfriend-Youtube @SEOULMUSIC
I’m afraid I might ever lose ya
Running through my head, got a thousand thoughts
Why you looking at me like I’m your
Boyfriend, boyfriend
Why you looking at me like I’m
Why you looking at me like I’m your boyfriend
We might be something more than
Just friends, I’ll be honest
I can’t make a life without you
Be there for you, treat you right
I ain’t like the other guys
What you like, know it like I know you
Why you looking at me like I’m your
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