Lirik dan Terjemahan Hurry Up Tomorrow oleh The Weeknd: Refleksi dan Harapan dalam Pencarian Jati Diri

The Weeknd merilis album baru bertajuk "Hurry Up Tomorrow"-@theweeknd-X
Now I'm ready for the end
So burn me with your light
I have no more fights left to win
Tie me up to face it, I can't run away, yeah
And I'll accept that it's the end
And I hope that I'll find what I'm looking for (Ooh)
I hope someone's watching from up above (Ooh)
I'm done with the lies, I'm done with the loss
I hope my confession is enough
So I see Heaven after life
I want heaven when I die
I want to change
I want the pain no more
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Sumber: the weeknd official