Lirik dan Terjemahan Hurry Up Tomorrow oleh The Weeknd: Refleksi dan Harapan dalam Pencarian Jati Diri

Lirik dan Terjemahan Hurry Up Tomorrow oleh The Weeknd: Refleksi dan Harapan dalam Pencarian Jati Diri

The Weeknd merilis album baru bertajuk "Hurry Up Tomorrow"-@theweeknd-X

Verse 2

I took so much more than their lives

They took a piece of me

And I've been tryin' to fill that void that my father left

So no one else abandons me, I'm sorry (Yeah)

I promise I'm sorry, yeah

But now I'm drownin' in the same tub where I learned how to swim

With my mother trying to save every ounce of my innocence

I failed her life, I failed myself, I'm sorry (Yeah)

Mama, I'm sorry, ooh, yeah


And I hope that I'll find what I'm looking for

I hope that He's watching from up above

I'm done with the lies, I'm done with the laws

I hope this confession is enough

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Sumber: the weeknd official