Daftar Lengkap Pemenang Seoul International Drama Awards 2024, Ada Gadis Kretek

Kamis 26-09-2024,11:45 WIB
Reporter : Michelle Thabeta Ismono*
Editor : Retna Christa

Golden Bird Prize

Chanwook Park - The Sympathizer (HBO)

International Competition-Program

Grand Prize: 

Justice: Miscounduct (Brazil - GLOBO)

Best TV Movie:

The Saint (Republik Ceko - TV Ceko)

Bruised Like a Peach (Korea - CJ ENM O'PEN)

Best Miniseries

3 Body Problem (AS - Netflix)

Gadis Kretek (Indonesia - Netflix)

Best Series:

Korea-Khitan War (Korea - KBS)

Another Love (Turkiye - Tims&B Productions/Global Agency)

BACA JUGA:Dian Sastrowardoyo jadi Aktor dalam Proyek Film Terbaru: Mothernet

BACA JUGA:Kebaya Kala Kini, Film Pendek tentang Kebaya Rilis di Hari Kebaya Nasional, Ada Dian Sastrowardoyo

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